Sunday, October 10, 2010

Application Essay Second Post Write

1. How do you feel about the paper so far? Please explain and offer evidence from the work.
I feel that the paper is coming along very well. I have tried to add more details to my paper to explain myself better. I added more about where I wanted to go to school and why, “Now that I am at Bristol Community College I am majoring in Elementary Education. After I finish my two years here I would like to continue on at Bridgewater State College so I can become an elementary school teacher. I have wanted to be a teacher since I was a little kid. I would play school with my brother, he would be the student and I would be the teacher. Everyone always comments how I would make such a wonderful teacher, that I have the patience to be able to teach and that I always want to help people.” I made my paper longer by adding these details. I tried to explain things clearly because the person who would be reading this essay does not know who I am, so I wanted to describe me the best way I could.
2. What remains to be done? Please be precise.
I think that I could add some more about my outside activities. I just added some stuff about my boyfriend and friends and about my work experience. There is some more stuff I could add about other things I do.
3. What questions do you have for readers about the piece?
Questions I have are: did I keep the tense the same throughout, and does everything make sense in the paper.

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